Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
Looking for professional development courses - Click on red tabs for brochures with course descriptions.
Head Start Programs - Leadership - Staff: Department of Human Services, Children Services, Non-Profit, and Community Action Agencies
TIP #1: Please stroll down below the Head Start listing for leadership and staff training for DHS, CSB, CAA and NonProfit agencies
PosiPower customers are welcome to choose from any course listing.
We are affordable! We charge a minimum daily rate for 1-3 PosiPower sessions. It is your training day. There is no limit on participation.
Our minimum daily rate is only $1895.00 for virtual sessions. This fee is guaranteed from 2024-2027. All PosiPower sessions are developed with a minimum of 8-hours of content that are modified for your training needs. TIP #2- Course descriptions are in button tabs "e-brochures" at the bottom of each listing. It is your training day for 1-6 hours virtually! Please plan early! Our schedule gets hectic. 614-775-6069 and jysposipower@gmail.com
Our minimum daily rate is only $1895.00 for virtual sessions. This fee is guaranteed from 2024-2027. All PosiPower sessions are developed with a minimum of 8-hours of content that are modified for your training needs. TIP #2- Course descriptions are in button tabs "e-brochures" at the bottom of each listing. It is your training day for 1-6 hours virtually! Please plan early! Our schedule gets hectic. 614-775-6069 and jysposipower@gmail.com
Missouri CAN - "PosiPower Leadership Training for Head Start," June 22, 2023, St. Charles, MO, Embassy Suites
There is no limit on participation. It is your training day! 1. PosiPower Leadership Training for Head Start - NEW
2. "Why? Why? Why?" Teach Science to Little Kids
3. ERSEA – Learn Best Practice for
4. PosiPower Policy Council History &
Recruitment Training
Option - (The Robert's Rule of Law Training for Head Start )
5. PosiPower Head Start Leadership &
Governance Training 6. Be a PosiTeacher in Your Classroom7. What to Do When Little Kids Won’t
Listen 8. 5+5 Ways to Teach Math in Head Start9. "I can READ " Early Learning Literacy 10. Help Kids Deal with Anger11. Co-Teachers Working Together as a
Team12. PosiPower Ways to Effectively Work With Parents
13. Working in Teams – Teachers, Bus
Drivers, Managers, etc...
14. Time and Stress Management for
Head Start Teachers15. Hire and Retain the Best Teachers16. PosiPower eLearning and eTeaching
With Technology 17. Coaching the Best Out of Your
Teachers and Staff18. Celebrate Diversity in Your
Classroom19. Balance Work and Family & Be
Positive in Both20. Head Start Teachers Model Respect
for Diverse Families21. Recognizing Physical, Sexual,
Emotional Abuse, and Child Neglect ( 3-part series)
PosiPower Workshop "When Little Kids Won't Listen"
Kids Central Inc. - Wise, Virginia - University of Virginia, Wise College
HiMama Canada Company - PosiPower has presented virtually and a podcast https://blog.himama.com/preschool-podcast-jordana-shakoor/
Small group discussion - Indiana Community Action Association - Crown Hotel - Indianapolis.
There is no limit on participation. It is your training day!
1. PosiPower Brick-by-Brick Leadership2. PosiPower Coaching Sessions for
Management 3. Develop a Logic Model with PosiPower
Strategies4. Develop a Strategic Plan with PosiPower
Strategies5. Time and Stress Management for
Leaders6. Our Customers Deserve the Best -
Management7. Change Can Be Great for Your Staff8. Coach A Winning Team-2 days9. What to Do When You Can't Fire Them10. Positive Ways to STOP Bullies at Work11. Managing Workplace Diversity in the
21st Century12. Hire and Retain the Best Staff13. PosiPower Conflict Management Skills
for Leaders14. Basic Labor Law Training
15. Sexual Harassment & Diversity
Training16. Interviewing and On-boarding 1
- 1. The Power of an Apology: How to Cope When NOT Getting One - NEW
- 2. Positively Impactful Motivational Techniques - NEW 3. Why Combat Racial Inequity in America - NEW 4. PosiPower Your Way to a Professional IMAGE 5. Manage Your Time & Stress 6. Change Can Be GREAT (Learn how to positively adjust to change) 7. Balance Work & Family & Be Positive in Both 8. Let's All Just Get Along (Conflict Resolution & Interpersonal skills 9. Case Management Training 11. Our Customers Deserve the BEST - MOST REQUESTED 12. Disarm Hardcore Customers With Positive Techniques 13. Celebrate Diversity in The Workplace in The 21st Century 14. Poverty Matters: Learn Strategies to Help – NEW 15. It's NOT a Chit-Chat - Interviewing Customers for Effectiveness 14. PosiPower Ways to Serve Diverse “Baby-boomers” and Elderly 16. 25 Ways to a Healthy Life-Style 17. YOU Wore THAT to Work? – Professional Image Building 18. Interviewing Telephone Customers Effectively 19. Hello, May I Help You? (Telephone Etiquette Skills) 20. Working In Teams - Employee training 21. PosiPower Writing, Speaking, and Grammar Skills 22. Don't Bust Your Budget - Economic Strategies in Difficult Times 23. I Really do Need This Job ...Coping Skills 25. Positive Action Equals Positive Results – Goal-setting Strategies 26. “What I Really Meant to Say Was …”Effective Communication Skills 25. Women and Money- Chart Your Way Past Financial Stress 27. Managing Difficult People Effectively….Learn How to Avoid Arguing Over Stupid Stuff 28. Civil Rights Childhood-Racial Sensitivity Training
- There is no limit on participation. It is your training day.
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Thank YOU! PosiPower participants are awesome! Community Action Conference in Louisville, Kentucky
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Attorney Ali Shakoor presenting in Ocala, Florida Head Start Program
After a PosiPower training, we want you to feel great about the work you do everyday. Jordana Shakoor is happy to take a photo with you.
1. PosiPower Brick-by-Brick Leadership -2 days2. PosiPower Coaching Sessions for Management 3. Develop a Logic Model with PosiPower Strategies4. Develop a Strategic Plan with PosiPower Strategies5. Time and Stress Management for
Leaders6. Our Customers Deserve the Best - Management7. Change Can Be Great for Your Staff8. Coach A Winning Team-2 days9. What to Do When You Can't Fire Them10. Positive Ways to STOP Bullies at Work11. Managing Workplace Diversity in the 21st Century12. Hire and Retain the Best Staff13. PosiPower Conflict Management Skills
for Leaders14. Basic Labor Law Training15. Workplace Injuries & Workers
Compensation16. Sexual Harassment & Diversity
Training17. Interviewing and On-boarding 101
* Member of SHRM - Society for Human Resource Management
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Thank YOU! PosiPower participants are awesome! Community Action Conference in Louisville, Kentucky
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Attorney Ali Shakoor presenting in Ocala, Florida Head Start Program
After a PosiPower training, we want you to feel good about the work you do everyday.
Jordana Shakoor is happy to take a photo with you.