WELCOME! PosiPower Academic Workshops. Be a PosiTeacher in Your Classroom is a component of our SEL - Social Emotional Learning are PosiPower Concepts. We are committed to educators, parents, and students. We enjoy working with all aspects of education. Academic and school goals are met when everyone in the school community feel valued. Our PosiPower motto for academia is "When service is improved, excellence is the outcome. " Our primary objective is to improve the lives and educational opportunities for students and families. Through group discussions, we identify the needs of our academic customers, and the significance of internal and external customer service interactions. We affirm that "It is essential to always improve our attitude and do our best." Participants learn to project a positive regard for the school community and ways to become a valued part of the team.
Please look at our academic offerings below. School administrators are welcome to choose from any course listing on this website. We are affordable! We charge a minimum daily rate for 1-3 PosiPower sessions. The is no limit on participation.$1895.00 virtual. It is your training day. Please plan early and contact us at 614-775-6069 or jysposipower@gmail.com. Thank YOU! Let's make it a great day for administrators, teachers, staff, and students!
Ali Shakoor with paraprofessionals in Charlotte County Schools, Punta Gorda, Florida. "Do what you love and do it well: Paraprofessional Training"
"What to do When Students Won't Listen: Classroom Management " Charlotte County Public Schools , Florida
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Time and Stress Management in Academia
All staff: administrators, teachers, paras/instructional assistants, librarians, secretaries, counselors, janitors... are encouraged to attend this essential training. We look forward to hearing from you.
Charlotte County High School. "What to do When Students Won't Listen: Classroom Management" Charlotte County Public School teachers, Punta Corda, Florida.
PosiPower Workshops for Educators & Academic Staff
1. Our Customers Deserve the BEST2. Working Together as a School Team 3. I Really do Need This Job …. Coping Skills
4. Do what you Love, and do it Well:
Paraprofessional Training
5. Time and Stress Management for Academia 6. Balance Work and Family & Be Positive in
Both 7. Hire and Retain the Best School Staff 8. Be a PosiTeacher in Your Classroom 9. What to do when Students Won’t Listen
10. Co-Teachers Working Together as a Team 11. Time and Stress Management for Teachers -
(Classroom focus)12. 20 PosiPower Ways to Bully-Proof Your
School 13. Celebrate Diversity in Your Classroom 14. PosiPower Ways to Effectively Work
With Parents 15. Civil Rights Childhood - Racial
Sensitivity Training
Be a PosiTeacher, PosiTeens, PosiKids and PosiParent Booklets are available
Aminah is a beautiful teen.
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My grandchildren, Aminah and Amaury and daughter, Keyomah. Shakoor in 2014
Amaury loves science. He was 4 years old when I took this photo of him at COSI in Columbus, Ohio. He wanted to know, "How do astronauts pee?" Young children want to know about everything. Educators do you also wonder about stuff? Is this why you became a teacher? How does that work? What makes it stay up? What keeps it solid? Why did that slimy stuff turn blue or is that greenish blue? Is it crawling? Does it have babies? How many eggs are in that mud? Will it bite? Does it rust? Will it multiply? Is it dangerous? Teachers are sparking curiosity in children. They may ponder with a frown or smile and ask these questions. Sometimes teachers have to think like a child in order to be an effective teacher. Do you ever just wonder why......? You sure did when you were a child. YOU asked questions over and over again. At one time, you were probably annoying to a parent or teacher, but excited to learn. It is always a pleasure to be of service to PosiTeachers. Thank YOU for your dedication!